Friday, January 27, 2012

10 Minutes Critique

       1) Provide a brief description of the film.
       The film follows a Japanese tourist and a Bosnian boy over a span of 10 minutes. The tourist is waiting for his photographs to be developed in sunshiny Rome and the boy is retrieving water for his family when the enemy attacks, killing his parents. The tourist's film is developed in the same amount of time as it takes for the boy to lose his family. 

       2) What is the overall tone or mood of the film?
       It overall has a very melancholy tone. The whole time you kind of know something bad is going to happen to this little boy. The setting is dark and dirty and there are guns and soldiers. At the end it's definitely a tearjerker, watching the boy walk into the house with his parents bleeding profusely and the baby crying in the backgroud. 

       3) How does the dialog influence the film?
      The dialogue throughout most of the movie is very calm and casual. The tourist interacting with the shopkeeper and the boy interacting with his family, then neighbors and friends. It all seems strangly calm even amidst war and then at the very end the dialogue becomes panicked and loud and urgent. This contributed to the very gruesome tone of the final scene. 

       4) In what ways does the cinematography affect the film?
      Other than the switch from the tourist to the boy, It was all one shot following the boy. It really made it seem like a veritable journey. It felt almost like you were there walking with him. I also liked the switched from darkness to light. 

       5) What scene or part of a scene do you like the best? Why?
      I think my favorite part was the film was the close up on the clocks at the end. It really added to the severity of the situation with a sharp contrast between the lives of the boy and the tourist. 

       6) What is your opinion of the film?
      I loved it. I think the concept was great. I felt all of the raw emotion of the war scene so much more when it was shown alongside the tourist calmly waiting for his photos in beautiful Rome.  

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