Friday, January 27, 2012

New Boy Critique

1     1) Provide a brief description of the film.
      This film is about an African immigrant boy's first day at an Irish school. He gets picked on at his new school and     he daydreams about his experiences at school in Africa. At the end, he ends up ok with new friends. 

       2) What is the overall tone or mood of the film?
      It's definitely heartwarming. There are some dark undertones, like the murder of the father, but it the end things seem to be looking up for the main character. I'd say heartwarming is a good word for it. Kind of a mix of tears and smiles. 

       3) How does the dialog influence the film?
      The dialogue in the film really adds a sense of purity and innocence, but also mixes in some racial tension and bullying. The little pigtailed girl and the overall interaction between the kids and the teacher is very innocent. Then we get the little bullies and trouble makers and their mean comments blackening the overall docile environment of the classroom. The repetition of the phrase, "You're dead" foreshadows future conflict. In the end the dialogue of the little girl with the teacher and the laughter of the three boys completely changes the mood of the film and makes it much more light hearted. 

       4) In what ways does the cinematography affect the film?
      At the beginning, we could see a bit of the boys head with him looking at a classroom filled with blurry white faces. We can from the start see the sharp contrast of his skin to theirs. From then on we see a transition from what he sees, to the camera being focused on the boy. This lets us really feel and experience along with him. 

       5) What scene or part of a scene do you like the best? Why?
      My favorite scene was the last one, when the three boys were standing outside the classroom, waiting to get in trouble and hating eachother. Then this little girl ends up badmouthing the teacher and after laughing about it together the animosity between the group of boys lessens. It's extremely cute.

       6) What is your opinion of the film?
      I really liked it. It definitely still hits close to home when I watch classroom scenes in movies. This film was especially gladdening. It left a little smile on my face. 

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